Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross part 1 of 3 Sept 27th, 2011

We were graced with the presence of Bishop Jerome of Manhattan at our patronal feast.  We were additionally blessed with the tonsure of Bill, John and Ellias as readers (see part 2).  Many years to all three Readers! May God bless you all!

 Eve of the feast

 Stelianos greeting the bishop on arrival....

 Getting the Bishop's blessing..


 Protodeacon Fr. Dimitri Temedis.

 Vesting the Bishop.

Bishop's Eagle.

The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross part 2 of 3 Tonsure /Sept 27th, 2011

The tonsure of new readers..

Clipping the hair...

Tonsure of Bill (Thomas)
Tonsure of John

Tonsure of Ellias

Bill ( Thomas) reading...

John reading...

Ellias reading

Start of liturgy...

Ellias holding the Bishop's book...

Abouna Andreas and Father Vasilios...honored guests at the service.