Saturday, November 10, 2012

Storm Update

We are slowly recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy.  We finally have power, but are still without heat in one of our residences.  The repair parts have still not arrived.  The nor'easter that came through here on Wednesday/Thursday brought us snow and more wind, but glory to God we did not lose power.

We are have been able to restart our candle making and are in limited production as we strive to get back to normal.  We were luckier than most, there are many on Long Island who suffered devastating loses and who continue to struggle without power or heat as the days get colder.

We are struggling to cover all the unexpected expenses incurred as a result of the storms.  Gas continues to be an issue although with the new mandates we are hoping for an easing of the situation.  Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Please pray for all who are struggling and suffering.

 Our storm command center
 Fallen trees around our temple
 Town clean up crews

 Displaced deer
 New generator
 Getting back to the renovations.

Fr Michael helping set up the new generators

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