Dear Friends of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross,
Greetings in Christ!
As this year draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity, on behalf of all the Monks, to thank you for your prayers, many kindnesses and great help during this past year!
Much has changed: new monastics and their contributions, new occasions to serve with fellow Orthodox both nearby and far away, new teaching and speaking opportunities, new physical changes to the location.
Much has stayed the same: the Daily Cycle of Services, the Sunday, Feastday and Saturday Services, serving the Holy Mysteries, remembering the Living and Departed, blessing Homes and People through prayers and divine services all year long.
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2012 has seen astonishing growth, not only in the number of Monastics, but also in sheer physical growth and improvements, made with your help and assistance:
Monastery Church Floor completely redone, and quite beautiful!
Seven-Branch Candle-Stand newly installed in Altar.
New Kliros Stand (Wood).
New Vestment Cabinet (Wood).
New Altar Vestments and Priest and Deacon's Vestments.
New Cabinets and countertop installed and built in Vestry.
New Icons painted and acquired for several locations.
Necessary repairs to, and in some cases, new Monastic Garments.
Two new Candle-stands (Metal).
Two new Candle-stands (Sand).
Other Altar furnishings cleaned and repaired (work in progress).
Three new monastic cells built and partially furnished (work in progress).
Wooden Siding.
Carpet Flooring.
New Double-sized Septic Tank for Hall.
New Cabinets and Countertop installed and built in Hall.
New Wood-working Shop (work in progress).
New Office, Shipping, and Packing Area, together with Industrial Shelving.
Renewed Candle-Making Help, Systems, and Equipment and use of space (work in progress).
New Library Shelves and Seating for Abbot's Office and Guests.
Heating System repaired.
Generators acquired.
And much, much more!
As we round out the year, as we hear the approaching Gospel readings for the Forefathers and Patriarchs and Prophets before Christ, and as we Fast in preparation for the coming celebration of Nativity, please remember our Brotherhood of the Holy Cross in your repeated prayers!
We greatly appreciate the support and encouragement given to us by our extended family and community of supporters. We would be very much at a loss without your kindness and support. Because of your help, we are able to serve the daily liturgical cycle of Services (Matins, Hours, Vespers), plus serve Liturgies for Sundays, Saturdays, and the many Feasts and Festivals of the Church and Her Saints.
We are in need of your financial help, so that we may pay off all the necessary work that has been done and is being done to improve the Church, Monastery, Hall, and Living and Working Quarters.
Many thousands of dollars are still needed to cover our end of the year expenses, especially for the new Monastic living quarters, necessary repairs to Altar furnishings, and the Monastery's Heating system and repairs.
If you are able to help us in any way, financially or otherwise, please contact us:
Holy Cross Monastery
Attn: Church, Monastic, and Heating Repairs Fund
140 Main Street
East Setauket, NY 11733-2834
In Christ,
Archimandrite Maximos
Abbot of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross
P.S. We have received many requests to be able to donate securely online via Visa or MasterCard.
You may do so through our Resaca Monastery's website.
The moment the donation is made, Hierodeacon Parthenios will receive an email notifying of your donation to our Brotherhood.
To do so, follow this link to "Monastery of the Glorious Ascension ROCOR", Resaca (our monastery near Atlanta), and fill in the necessary info:

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