Monday, June 23, 2008

The crosses of our burdens

A man cried on to God that his cross to heavy to carry. He moaned and groaned so much that God finally got tired of it and sent a Angel to him.... "God, has heard your prayer," said the angel. So the angel took him by the hand and led him to a mountain of crosses and said " Choose which ever cross you want..." So the man searched and searched looking for the smallest cross he could find. "THIS is the cross I want!" he exclaimed. The Angel looked at him in exasperaion, "But THAT'S the cross you had!"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22 2008

Brother celebrants
Reading the Apostles
Fr michael reading the Gospel..
Fr Parthenios
Our spiritual fathers
View of the right side
Fr Maximos at prayer
Fr Prodromas
Noah with a lot to say...
Father and son..
First communion
First communion
Travel prayers for Anya's mother

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Troitsa June 15 2008

The future
Gentlemen at prayer
Noah making a comment....

Censing the church bfore the kneeling prayers
Fr Gabriel doing acolyte duties
Fr Maximos reading a kneeling prayer
Kneeling while fr maximos reads a prayer
Icon of the Archangel Michael

Child's comtemplation
Fr John and the dismissal prayers

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8 2008

The ladies corner..left to right...Kim, Mary, Jean and Antonina
Fr Maximos teaching
Looking out into the church...
Nicholas following in his prayer book
Hard working choir...
Candle prayers
Prayers onto heaven
The blessing with the chalice.
Fr Maximos
Deep discussions
Coffee hour discussions
Renewing friendships

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1st 2008

Fr Michael reading the Gospel
Fr John sermonizing
The men's "side" of the church
Listening to Fr John's sermon
The Acolytes great and small
A pensive Anya
Fr Maximos in the altar
Shoot! he caught me taking a picture!
Fr Michael and Sonia ... best friends!
Sonia with a sweet smile
Deep discussions
Rdr Christopher with Anya's Mother
Brother monastics..Frs Parthenios and Gabriel
Nicky, Anya and little Sonia
The children playing under the watchful eyes of a mommy