Friday, April 25, 2008

Bringing out the shroud

The seplechure
Fathers Justin and Parthenios chanting
Another view of the seplechure
Fr Gabriel
Mary and Grandson

Fr Michael
Fr Maximos carrying the Shround
Venerating the Cross prior to taking down Christ
Taking Christ down from the cross
Takng the body of Christ into the altar

Rdr Christopher, Fr Parthenios and Boris
A solemn Fr John
Brong out the plashchanitsa

Bringing out the plashchanitsa
Placing the plashchanitsa in the Seplechure
The symbolic Seplechure with Gospel
Fr John Venerating the plashchanitsa
Venerating Christ as he lay in the Tomb
Fr Maximos reading a prayer
Waiting to venerate the plaschanittsa

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