Monday, January 23, 2012

St John Climacus on Anger

So let the tyrant anger be bound with the chains of meekness, and be beaten by patience, and dragged out by holy love; and, being arraigned before this court of reason, let it be duly examined: 'Tell us, base idiot, what is the name of the father who begot you and the mother who brought you for evil into the world, and the names of your foul sons and daughters. And not only that, but tell us the designations of those who wage war against you and kill you.' And anger might be thought to reply: 'Many are my origins, and I have more than one father. My mothers are vainglory, love of money, greed, and sometimes lust. My father is called conceit. My daughters are: remembrance of wrongs, enmity, self-justification, and hatred. But my opponents, who are now holding me captive, are the opposite virtues of freedom from anger, and meekness. She who schemes against me is called humility. But as to who bore humility, ask her in due time herself.'

The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 8

1 comment:

DeaconTimothy Woods said...

When the mind becomes active, keep the lips closed.