Friday, September 26, 2014

An Invitation to all our Friends...

Our Annual Feast Day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Saturday, September 27th, is almost here. Please make your plans now to join us!

Metropolitan HILARION (the First Hierarch of ROCOR) will be serving the Hierarchal Liturgy on this day, with our Brotherhood, and will stay afterwards for a common Meal with the Brotherhood and all the people.

Please invite your friends and family.

Schedule for Saturday, Sept 27th:
9AM Festal Matins w/ greeting of the Bishop
10AM Hierarchal Divine Liturgy served by Metropolitan HILARION
12PM Pot Luck Meal - everyone bring something !

NOTE: Please bring Fastworthy foods -
no meat, no eggs, no dairy. Fish, Shellfish, Wine and Oil are allowed.

In Christ,
Archimandrite Maximos Weimar
Holy Cross Monastery
144 Main Street /East Setauket

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